architecture tours

Experience Barcelona Up Close

A warm welcome! For 15+ years, we have been offering expert and personalized architectural tours that provide a unique insight into Barcelona's urban development.
Our tours delve deep into the urban context, provide orientation and open up a fascinating new perspective on the city's architecture. With us, you will experience an exclusive and personalised journey that goes far beyond the usual. Our customers not only receive a personalized city map with insider tips, but also the expertise to explore other cities based on their experiences in Barcelona.

Our Travel Offering

For your personal Barcelona


Explore with Architects


Architecture Journey to Barcelona


Finest Moments in Finest Places


Insights from Experts

happy clients

Architecture Offices, Real Estate, Construction Firms, Schools, Universities, Event Agencies, City Councils, Cultural Institutions, and Cultural Travelers.

Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten (BDA) Frankfurt, Germany
Hochschule Luzern, Institut für Architektur, Switzerland
Universität Siegen, Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen, Germany
Kneidinger Architekten, Linz, Austria
Burckhardt + Partner Architekten AG, Basel, Switzerland
pool Architekten, Zürich, Switzerland
Birchmeier Baumanagement AG, Döttingen, Switzerland
Prof. Andrea Deplazes, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Prof. Dietmar Eberle, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
10:8 Architekten, Zürich, Switzerland
World Architects, Zürich, Switzerland
O3 Arch. GmbH, Munich, Germany
Sculpture Networks, Munich, Germany
Berufsverband freischaffender Architekten & Bauingenieure, Munich, Germany
Open House Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
Blättler Dafflon Architekten, Zürich, Switzerland
Escuela Suiza, Barcelona, Spain
GEZE Iberia, Barcelona, Spain
Ceyveyconsulting GmbH, Tübingen, Germany
Leibniz-Gymnasium, Stuttgart, Germany

and many more…

“Thank you very much for the wonderful days in Barcelona, the excellent organization, and the great guidance. It couldn’t have beenbetter.”

— Rober Kellner, Aidelsburger Kellner Architekten

“The tour on Montjuic was informative, personal, and simpathetic. We’ve learned a lot, which allows us to see Barcelona with different eyes.”

— Ruedi Rickli, Cultural Traveler